Rabu, 09 November 2011

Health Risk Of Smoking-It can affect Almost All the Body Parts

Stop smoking – this is the most challenging task for anyone who prefers to smoke. On the other hand this is one of the best thing that a person can accomplish to find good health further. As per the revelation from Center of Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is such a habit that can bring harm for almost any part of the human body. As per this organization, smoking can bring several sorts of diseases and can make successful contribution for health problems. So it is very important for a person to quit smoking as soon as possible. Smoking can eliminate a person’s feeling for smell and taste. It can make a person look aged quickly as the wrinkle will start to appear soon. Smoking also creates problems of health and many other things. Health risk of smoking can cover almost all the human body parts. Please see video below..

  • Heart: People that use to smoke a lot are more exposed for the heart problems. Smoking can generate high blood pressure. Nicotine in the tobacco can bring complication for the blood vessels and the normal blood flow will disappear. This can cause into high blood pressure. The chemicals in the tobacco can bring more damage for the arteries. It can even destroy our arteries. This will cause into fluid retention. This is how heart stroke like problems will generate and it can take your life. It is very important for the person to quit smoking as soon as possible or it will create many health hazards. It is very important that you keep all these things in mind if you are a smoker or you could be in a big mess.
  • Lung: Smoking can affect our lung seriously. Smoking is the prime reason for lung cancer. Many people are facing this problem all over the world and it is very important for the person to quit smoking. The risk for lung cancer can become dense if you use to smoke frequently. Smokers need to lessen up the risk for lung cancer by quitting smoking. That is the only way or it could lead to serious complications.
  • Bladder: People use to come across bladder cancer in the bladder part of the body. Bladder cancer can occur for anyone in any age. But there is a great chance for bladder cancer for those who used to smoke a lot. When people used to smoke, the harmful chemicals will get into the body. These harmful chemicals then react with your body and cause you major health problems that will be difficult to solve. Then our body process will come into act and can eliminate the chemical through urine. Well, you need to keep in mind that the urine will get stored in the bladder. This is the exact reason why our bladder always has a great chance to come across cancer stage if you use to smoke. So if you smoke be careful you are in a soup.by Google

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